วันพุธที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

StemGard - The Ultimate in Cellular Renewal stem cells technology

I don’t often talk about health or products in my weekly blogs, however since I believe that this is such an important subject today I would like us to take a closer look at how an increase in stem cell production will equate to greater health and a better quality of life. Recent research confirms, and many scientists are claiming, that stem cell enhancement is possibly the greatest wellness discovery of the 21st century. Hardly a week passes by without an article describing a new breakthrough involving stem cells.

What is a Stem Cell?

Adult Stem Cells (ASC) are manufactured and produced in the bone marrow. They have a unique ability to self-replicate and to differentiate into cells of various tissues. The main role of ASC is to maintain and repair. These ASC, when manufactured, are undifferentiated (don’t have a name or purpose) and are stored by the body until a tissue or organ needs help, repair and maintenance. Then the tissue in need sends a signal to the stored ASC saying I need help. The tissue in need could be the heart, lung, muscle, liver, pancreas or skin, and recent research indicates the brain as well. Those ASC then become differentiated and then have a name and purpose. The ASC then becomes a heart cell, liver cell, brain cell, etc. and immediately goes to work providing repair and maintenance.

The Bad News!

Just as the body manufactures less antioxidants as we age, unfortunately also as we age, the body manufactures less adult stem cells (ASC). So as the organs and tissue ages, so the need for extra repair and maintenance increases. In the case of major injury and degeneration through aging, the need for stem cells far exceeds the number of stem cells available.

The Good News!

The good news is that scientists have discovered a process for the natural renewal and the discovery of a natural product that supports the increased production of stem cell release. One of the scientists involved in this discovery is Dr. Christian Drapeau, who had this to say in his book, “The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal.”

Instead of looking at health as an absence of illness and at any health-promoting strategy as a way to postpone illness, we can begin to look at health as a natural process, an intrinsic ability of the body. The human body possesses the natural ability to remain healthy, and supporting this natural ability by increasing the number of circulating stem cells is logically the best way to enjoy optimal health.

And beyond the concept of optimal health is the concept of performance, or simply getting more out of our bodies than simply meeting the demands of daily life. From hiking in the mountains on weekends and a sporadic bike ride or walk, to competing in a triathlon, any physical activity beyond normal daily movements creates small injuries in muscles. Increasing the number of circulating stem cells supports the natural repair of muscle tissue, allowing for a more enjoyable experience when biting into life.

The discovery that increasing the number of circulating stem cells equated to greater health, coupled with the discovery of a natural compound that supports the release of stem cells from the bone marrow, offers a new strategy in the pursuit of health and wellness.


Recently Sportron introduced StemGard to the world market. StemGard is the ultimate in cellular renewal. StemGard is the first ever and only stem cell renewal product incorporating FoodMatrix technology. A very important and main function of StemGard is to support the natural release and renewal of adult stem cells from bone marrow into the blood stream. StemGard’s proprietary formula consists of FoodMatrix Vitamins D and B, Folic Acid and Iron. The main ingredient is AFA (also known as Klamath Blue Green Algae.) It also consists of Grape Seed, Green Tea, Blueberry fruit and other forms of Seaweed.

Benefits attributed to StemGard:

  • Stimulates the growth of adult stem cells
  • Supports the body’s natural renewal system
  • Increases energy levels
  • Increases mental clarity
  • Faster repair of muscle tissue
  • Supports healthy brain, heart, vision, joint and blood sugar functions
  • Promotes living healthier and living longer

Who Should Take StemGard?

StemGard supports the natural release of stem cells from the bone marrow, which in turn travel throughout the body to maintain the health of various organs and tissues. StemGard is the optimal daily support for the maintenance of optimal health. It is for everyone interested in giving their body an extra boost toward daily renewal of cells throughout the body. It is for anyone interested in supporting his or her body’s natural renewal system.

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